At an unprecedented time such as this when so much of what we knew as familiar is no longer as familiar any more and routines not as they used to be, there is at least one constant: how nature makes us feel. More than ever, what’s outside in the land and sky and forests and waters, continues to move us, bring us peace, and center us again. I certainly speak for myself as a landscape painter. This year, it has been a life line to be able to go into the land and paint what I see and feel. Skies have played a prominent role since I got some of my best cloud material recently. Limitless, expansive, and encompassing, there is always room for what I feel and want to convey with my palette. Water too. And wildflowers. The reflections, the vibrations, the movement. It is all energy.
Eventide, oil on canvas, 48x48, 2020